Wayne Moses Burke

Benefit or Control?

I know I have a weird way of looking at the world, but I was just walking down the street here in a small Midwestern town and a dude passed me coming the other way with headphones on. I see this a lot today, and it inspired me to write this little poem:

I got my mu-sic,
And I don't need you.
I got my mu-sic,
That I'm listenin' to.
I got my mu-sic,
And I'd ask you to leave me alone.

It's nice to have music. It can connect us to parts of ourselves that are hard to reach other ways, but it can also keep us in our own little bubble even when we're around other people. I suppose this is like a lot of things in the modern world (like this smart phone I'm typing on right now).

So first of all, the Midwest didn't used to be like that. Everyone always said hi -- or at least acknowledged each other as they passed. But we frequently don't anymore and that makes me sad.

It also makes me think about which of MY diversions are benefitting me and which are controlling me. Am I getting what I want out of all that is available in the modern world?